This site is not affiliated with the Irish Government. We just want to share some ideas to assist in the redesign of bilingual signage in Ireland. Please use the form at the bottom of the page to contact us.
Something definitely needs to be done, and I applaud your initiative. However, I am of the opinion that Irish, as our first official language should not be in the secondary colour. The very fact that arrows, road designations, etc. are in white means that this is the primary colour of the text on the sign. If you changed the Irish to white and the English to yellow I would be very happy with these signs.
Something definitely needs to be done, and I applaud your initiative. However, I am of the opinion that Irish, as our first official language should not be in the secondary colour. The very fact that arrows, road designations, etc. are in white means that this is the primary colour of the text on the sign. If you changed the Irish to white and the English to yellow I would be very happy with these signs.